Monday, September 3, 2012

Yes,'s Open House!

Hello everyone!  I know some of you are lucky enough to have Open House BEFORE school starts but not us.  Our Open House took place 11 days into the school year.  I had to have something cute for the hallway.  I pinterested (that is a verb now, right?).  I looked in my files, searched blogs, pulled old Mailbox magazines out...nothing grabbed me.  

My firsties always love David Shannon books like crazy at 
the beginning of the year.  I saw a David pattern online, remembered a poster I had in a drawer and ding ding ding!  Idea!!   I have searched the world over and can't find where I got this pattern.  If it's yours or you know where I got it, PLEASE let me know.  I hate that I'm not going to be giving someone credit for this.  I've got to do better about writing down where I get things.
UPDATE:  Yay!  I found it!  The pattern is from Angie Neal's TPT store.  Here's the link:
David Learns the Rules

The pattern said to have blue stripes for the shirt, but I just passed out their markers and let them have at it.  They were so excited to use those markers!  I let them put as much or as little hair as they wanted.  I'm pretty sure I have a few vampire and zombie Davids here.  Love them!  

I cut a piece of copy paper in half and let them design a book for David to be reading.  Some of them copied  books from our classroom library and some designed their own.  They turned out so stinking cute!

A few closer..

Take care,


  1. So cute! I love that you let them create their own vision of David-that they are all different! :) I may have to steal this idea for our Open House this week.


  2. I love it! What a cute idea! They turned out great!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just found your blog today! Love this idea & will probably use at Parent Teacher Conference time. Where did you get the big poster of David reading (Yes, David) above the kids' work?
    Love your ideas & will keep your blog on my list to check. Thanks again, Jackie

    1. Thank you! The poster was a surprise freebie when I ordered books from Scholastic a few years ago.


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Hugs!